Beauty Tips - Gozel Care

Best and Useful Tips for Achieving Healthy and Radiant Skin and Hair

We all love to have healthy and glowing skin and hair. But to achieve this, you need to care more for your hair and skin than you usually do. You may be curious to know what exactly you should do to keep your hair and skin healthy and beautiful. So here we are sharing some valuable and effective skincare and hair care tips with you. Following these tips will help you get your dream hair and skin. 

Let’s discuss the skin care tips first. 

  1. Use sunscreen daily

Sunskin Cream

Every time you go outside your home for work or other reasons, your skin gets exposed to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Constant exposure to them can cause premature skin aging signs like wrinkles and age spots in you, besides driving other unhealthy skin conditions. Daily use of sunscreen can help to protect your skin against the damaging impact of UV rays. For best protection, you should use a broad-spectrum and water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. You should apply it to all the skin not covered by clothing. As using sunscreen once is not enough, you need to reapply it after every two hours or after swimming or sweating.   

Thus, sunscreen helps you maintain youthful skin by slowing down skin aging. 

  1. Use sun protective clothing  

Sunscreen can’t block 100% of the sun’s UV rays. So it is advised to wear sun-protective clothing when you venture outdoors. These include a lightweight long-sleeved shirt, pants, sunglasses with ultraviolet protection, and a wide-brimmed hat. Dress with a (UPF) ultraviolet protection factor label provides more effective protection from the sun.

  1. Avoid touching your face

Avoid touch face

Touching the face tends to transfer germs, oil, and dirt from the hands to your face. It can also cause breakouts, scarring, and wrinkles, besides spreading viruses and bacteria to the face. 

  1. Make your skincare routine simple

Using too many skin care products, especially multiple anti-aging products, can irritate your skin. Also, layering on numerous skin care products can be harsh on the skin and lead to more breakouts and clogged pores. To simplify your skincare routine, use only necessary skin care products.   

  1. Moisturize both day and night 

Moisturize your skin twice daily, first after getting out of the shower and second right before bed. Avoid using lotions with heavy fragrances; use a gentle moisturizer every day that causes no irritation.  

  1. Provide enough hydration

The skin needs water to look hydrated and stay healthy. Without water, the skin becomes less radiant and more sagging. So it would be best if you start using skin care products that provide intense hydration to your skin. For hydrating it, drinking water is also essential. Drinking around eight glasses of water in a day will help to provide adequate hydration to your skin.  

  1. Avoid direct exposure to heat

Not only the heat from the sun but also the heat coming out of heaters and fireplaces can wreak havoc on your skin. Sun’s heat can dry out areas of unprotected skin and deplete natural lubricating oils in the skin. Also, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation can damage the skin by burning and causing long-term changes in the skin’s structure. 

The heat from heaters and fireplaces can cause inflammation and collagen breakdown in the skin. So it would help if you stay at least ten feet away from heaters and fireplaces.   

  1. Take good sleep

Good quality sleep for atleast 8 hours a night awards various skin health benefits to you. These include boosting collagen production, rejuvenating the skin, preventing dark circles, and making your skin look radiant and healthy.

Using clean silk pillowcases regularly will also benefit your skin. Silk glides easily and prevents the occurrence of creasing and wrinkles.

  1. Exfoliate skin occasionally

Loss of skin cells is an ever going process. Without an extra little push, dead cells will remain hanging around the skin, making it look unhealthy. Exfoliating the skin once or twice a week will help to eliminate dead skin cells.

  1. Drink chlorophyll

Choosing the right beverages is going to benefit your skin. One such beverage is chlorophyll. Drinking a shot of chlorophyll every morning will help to oxygenate, hydrate, and brighten your skin. It also works to drain puffiness from the skin by stimulating the lymphatic system. Drinking green juices with lots of vegetables helps oxygenate the skin and stimulate lymphatic drainage, which eventually de-puffs the skin.   

  1. Take Omega-3-rich diet

Omega-3 fatty acid helps to moisturize the skin. Flax seeds and walnuts give an instant boost to omega-3, which consequently increases the skin’s ability to hold onto moisture. Also, you should ensure that your diet is low in foods with a high glycemic index (simple and complex carbohydrates). The diet constituting such foods can cause inflammation in the form of acne.  

  1. Clean makeup brushes regularly

To fight infection and clogged pores, you should wash concealer and foundation brushes once a week. The brushes you use around the eyes should be cleaned twice per month, while any other brushes should be washed once a month.

  1. Avoid smoking

Avoid smoking

Smoking speeds up the skin aging process. Also, it delays the healing of wounds. So quitting smoking is in the best interest of your skin.  

  1. Wash your face

You must wash your face upon waking up, before bed, and after sweating. Washing helps remove bacteria and dirt that may have been deposited on your face while sleeping. Washing the face before bed removes makeup and grime like smoke, smog, or dirt that may have settled on the skin.  

  1. Wash your face gently

Gentle cleansing helps to make your skin look its best. For gently cleansing your face, apply lukewarm water to it, and then apply a mild cleanser on the face. The cleanser must be gently applied with the help of your fingertips in a circular motion. Afterward, thoroughly rinse off the cleanser and gently pat your face dry with a clean towel. 

  1. Manage Stress

Stress can lead to various skin diseases like ectopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Also, stress can flare-up of multiple skin conditions like scalp rash and acne. So look for ways to manage your stress as this is going to help your skin.


Adopting and using these useful skin care tips is going to improve your skin health and make the skin radiant, glowing and rejuvenated.

Now it’s time to share valuable and useful hair care tips with you.

  1. Oil hair properly

Oiling and massaging hair before applying shampoo help to award various hair health benefits. These include improving blood circulation on the scalp, relaxing muscles, boosting hair shine, and providing nourishment to the hair. Oiling repairs split ends, restores moisture content, and promotes hair growth. You can choose a natural oil of your choice for oiling your hair.     

  1. Wash your hair regularly

Regular washing of your hair helps to keep your scalp and hair free of dirt and excess oil. The right frequency of washing depends on your hair type and personal preferences. If your hair is extremely dry, you should limit their washing to twice a week. But those with an oily scalp should wash their hair on alternate days.  

  1. Concentrate shampoo on the scalp

At the time of washing your hair with shampoo, concentrate on cleaning the scalp mainly rather than washing the whole length of hair. Washing only hair can create flyaway hair that are coarse and dull.  

  1. Use chemical-free shampoos

You can’t control various environmental factors that can cause damage to your hair, but you can control the kind of shampoos you use. Choosing a shampoo that contains no chemicals is crucial for keeping your hair healthy. 

Sulfates and parabens in chemical-laden shampoos are used for lathering and preserving, respectively. But they can irritate the skin over time and increase the risk of causing hormonal disruptions in you.  

  1. Use conditioner after every shampoo

After washing your hair with shampoo, you must use a conditioner afterward. Its use will help improve the look of damaged/weathered hair by increasing its shine and strength.  

  1. Dry hair naturally

Using blow drying to have beautiful hair like your on-screen diva is tempting. But excessive hair styling can prove damaging to your hair scalp. So, try to limit the use of blow drying for important events. The best way to dry your hair is through air drying or towel drying after you have shampooed your hair. You should never sleep when you have wet hair or comb wet hair. While rubbing your hair with a towel, do it gently, as harsh rubbing can damage the cuticle of your hair. 

  1. Use a wide-toothed comb

Wet hair are fragile and can break. So let your hair dry before using a wide-toothed comb to brush them. While using the comb, run it from the roots to the ends of the hair as gently as possible. The wide-toothed comb helps to prevent damage to the hair.  

  1. Trim hair regularly

You should trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to eliminate split ends. They get formed due to the damage caused to the hair because of stress, pollution, heat styling, etc. Although trimming does not lead to faster growth of hair as growth happens at the scalp level, but it ensures that the hair remains healthy. 

  1. Drink more water

drink more water

Both internal hydration and external hydration are essential to well-balanced and healthy hair. Hydrating hair care products like shampoos and oils provide hydration to hair externally. To provide internal hydration to hair, you need to drink enough water. Drinking at least 3 litres of water daily will help keep your hair in good health.   

  1. Take a healthy diet

Both iron and proteins are essential for the health of your hair. Your body needs iron to produce hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin carries oxygen for the growth and repair of cells in the body, including the cells that stimulate hair loss. Your body needs proteins to build tissue cells, including your hair cells. Eighty to eighty-five percent of hair is composed of a protein called keratin. Dietary proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of hair. They play a crucial role in making your hair strong. 

The lack of enough iron and proteins in the diet can trigger hair loss. For this reason, you need to eat a diet rich in iron and proteins. Fish, pumpkin seeds, leafy vegetables, beans, soya beans, chickpeas, and cereals are foods that are rich in iron. Soy, cheese, milk, peas, lentils, yogurt, and quinoa are rich in amino acids. Intake of these foods will help promote healthy hair growth in you. Also, they will prevent hair loss from the deficiency of these vital nutrients in the diet. 

  1. Use hair caps or hats

Exposure to sunlight not only damages your skin but also affects your hair. Harsh sun rays can remove moisture from the hair, thus rendering them dry, brittle, and damaged over time. Before stepping out of your house, you should wear a hat as this will help to protect your hair from such damage. 

Before venturing into a pool for swimming, you should wet and condition your hair and wear a tight-fitting swim cap. The cap will help to protect your hair from the damaging effect of chlorinated water. After your swimming session, use a specially formulated swimmers shampoo and deep conditioner to replace the lost moisture. 

  1. Use hair bands

Keeping your hair open can increase hair breakage. Instead use loose bands on your open hair. They will help to reduce your hair’s exposure to environmental aggressors like pollution and UV rays. It will help if you prefer fabric hair ties instead of plastic ones. Also, you should not pull your hair too tight while making a ponytail or any other hairstyle. 

  1. Avoid hot showers

Hot showers strip off the natural oils from your scalp, consequently rendering it dry and flaky. Cold showers are the better option for you. 

  1. Manage stress

Stress can contribute to hair fall and unhealthy hair. So for your hair health, find ways to manage stress, like playing sports. 

  1. Shun chemical-laced hair treatments

The use of chemicals in dying, perming, and other hair treatments can affect hair follicles, which can disrupt hair growth and contribute to hair fall. 

  1. Reduce the use of hair styling products

Hair styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curlers for prolonged periods change hair texture. Also, they can cause hair dryness and hair breakage. So avoid using such tools altogether or reduce their usage drastically. 

We hope that now you have good knowledge of various hair care and skin care tips for keeping your hair and skin healthy, smooth, and shiny. Make these tips an integral part of your lifestyle from today. These will enable you to have rejuvenated and lustrous skin and hair that captivates the attention of people around you and fills you with pride and happiness.

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